Thursday, November 24, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope everyone is happy and full of Turkey(or not if your a vegan) and was able to spend the holiday with family, friends, and the ones you love. Not only that but I truly hope your holiday was a quiet one without drama.

Anyway, this is about a growing trend in the United States. You know how the economy is. Everything isn't going so well, with people losing their jobs and being forced to file for bankruptcy. The government continues to argue over who has the bigger vision to save America. Prices on food and gas are also going up. It isn't a good time.

A few people got very tired of paying so much in taxes while the rich pay.. less taxes. I don't know the statistics precisely on how much the rich pay from the lower class but, needless to say, they are fed up with the way things are. So here we are. with people camped in parks or other spots all over the country with the most in New York City.

Signs are hoisted up, saying, 'We are the 99%!' and other phrases. I've heard different stories of what they stood for; one from someone who had personally went to one of the protests and the other who, unfortunately, heard the nut jobs at the rally and grown very worried over the protests. They have to be doing something right considering there are people putting money in to combat against Occupy Wall Street and any sympathizer to their cause.

I'll admit, I find myself agreeing to their cause. I mean, come on. How many times have bills tried going through the Senate or Congress in increasing taxes on the rich and it never gets through? There is always an outcry against it and, thus, its shut down very fast. You can almost say that they are afraid to sacrifice luxuries for anything better.

That's just me though.

It has a good point and it does stand for something. It could potentially rise up and accomplish something if enough people listen.

Its missing one crucial point. It lacks a Martin Luther King.

Some of our history's greatest triumphs were led by people with great wisdom, charisma, inspirational and able to become a face for an honorable cause. Whether it was the Founding Fathers of America, to Martin Luther King, they became the faces to the cause. They are the people you remember. Thats exactly what Occupy Wall Street needs in order to get anywhere.

It has a great idea. It has so much potential but it lacks organization and it lacks a figurehead. I know the people want to be known as simple the "99%" but its only coming off as people wanting an excuse to riot and cause chaos. Such fighting isn't proving any arguments and its making their cause look really bad right now.

I just feel they can do so much more.

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